1. Sector Vision
Developing a literate and democratic society that is able to sustain and support other sectors in development.
2. Sector Mission
(a) To improve quality service for quality education and development in Soroti District.
(b) To build and maintain capacity in education services, improve service delivery as per the national education policies, education strategic investment plan and district development so as to ensure all learners have equal opportunities to access quality education services through improvement of infrastructure and mode of service delivery.
3. Overall Objective
The Education and Sports Department aims at providing quality services to improve the quality of primary and secondary education in line with education policies, education strategic investment plan and the District Development Plan.
4. Specific Objectives
- To reduce the pupil to teachers ratio from 1:47 to 1:40
- To reduce desk to pupil ratio from 1:5 to 1:3
- To reduce pupil to latrine stance ratio from 35:1 to 15:1
- To reduce pupil to textbook ratio from 4:1 to 2:1
- To extend school inspection to all schools (I.e. government aided and private ECDs', Primary, Secondary, Teachers Training Institutions and Vocational Institutions).
- To mobilize the communities and all the school stakeholders to participate in school programmes.
- To provide accommodation {Or teachers so us to attract and retain them to serve in hard to stay areas. This will ease the work of teachers deployed in the rural schools in order to improve the academic standards of those schools.
- To provide latrines, Urinals and Washrooms to improve the sanitation and hygiene standards in schools.
- To intensify school inspection in the district using school inspectors Associate Assessors and the foundation body inspection teams.
- To continue mobilizing and sensitizing the School Management communities and the Boards of Governors of the secondary schools to support education activities in their respective schools.
- To support and intensify schools' participation in both curricular and co-curricular activities.
- Implementation or the National Education goals in the district.
- Sensitization of teachers on the professional Code of conduct.
- Licensing and Registration or Nursery schools
- Routine inspection of schools to ensure adherence and implementation government policies.
- Provision of counseling and guidance services to teachers, non-teaching staff and learners.
- Mobilization of pupils/students to attend schools.
- Sensitization of SMC and Bogs to enhance their performamnce of duties.
- Identifying areas (parishes) without schools.
- Inspection of primary, secondary schools and tertiary institutions and recommended them for licensing registration.
- Identifying the disadvantaged vulnerable children with learning disabilities for "proper placement in schools"
- Monitoring teacher pupil student attendance in schools.
- Enhance gender, HIV AIDS, disability interventions and environmental issues.
- Develop an ordinance to promote school enrolment and retention.
- Promote Education For All (EFA) through inclusive education by strengthening SNE sub-sector.
- Organizing Continuous Professional Development (CPD) seminars for teachers and head teachers for continued improvement of performance
5. New/Upcoming Departmental Projects 2022/2023.
- Construction of Assorted facilities in Kamuda Seed Secondary School.
- Construction of VIP pit latrines in Olong, Telamot, Katine, Cheele-Tubur Primary
schools with inadequate sanitation/hygiene facilities.
- Construction of 2 classroom block in Amoroto Primary School.
- Construction of 2 Teachers I-louse in Kelim-Tubur Primary School.
- Administering end of term I and joint Mock Exams for P.& candidates to reduce academic performance disparities in schools in Soroti District.
- Strengthening twinning programme among schools with a view of improving balanced academic performance in the district.
- Implement new guidelines to offer actionable guidance tor safe reopening and running of education institutions and reduce the impact of the CO V ID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning.
6. District Education Statistics
S/No. |
Government Aided |
No. of Schools |
No. of Teachers |
No. of Non-Teaching Staff |
Primary Schools |
69 |
2. |
Post-Primary Education Institutions |
05 |
Teachers Training Institutions |
01 |
Vocational Institutions |
00 |
S/No. |
Private Institutions |
No. of Schools |
No. of Teachers |
No. of Non-Teaching Staff |
Primary Schools |
2. |
Post-Primary Education Institutions |
Teachers Training Institutions |
01 |
Vocational Institutions |
00 |